Custom Okta Fields
Your Okta integration might want to support optional fields such as startDate and anniversaryDate.
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Your Okta integration might want to support optional fields such as startDate and anniversaryDate.
Last updated
In order to have your Okta account send startDate
and anniversaryDate
details to affinity, you will need to create a custom field in Okta. This is an optional additional setting. If you do not set this up, the start date and anniversary date will default to the date that the learner is first imported into Affinity from Okta.
Enter the information as follows:
Display name: anniversaryDate
Variable name: anniversaryDate
External name: anniversaryDate
External namespace: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User
Attribute Required: Yes
Attribute Type: Personal
Description: Anniversary Date
Leave other settings the same.
Click save to finish. Then you can do the exact same for `startDate`.
The format you should use is either MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD to reflect appropriate start and anniversary dates.
You can edit the users profile or the application specific profile and force a sync to have these updated.