Interactive Features

You can add interactive features to your course to engage learners as they progress.

Interactive features are elements of a course where a user needs to click to enable the feature or to progress through a page. The following interactive features are available:

  • Checkbox Sets

  • Expansion Sections

  • Flip Cards

  • Step by Step displays

Checkbox Sets

These allow you to require a learner to click on all the checkboxes in the set in order for this feature to be marked as completed. Each set can have one or many checkboxes and each checkbox can have rich textual and visual elements.

Expansion Sections

These are elements which will show a title and then the learner needs to click on the title or the dropdown to reveal more content.

Expansion sections can have text or rich media elements nested within them.

Flip Cards

Flip cards have front and back elements. The learner must click on the flip button to turn it from front to back. These cards are built into page tracking and must be flipped successfully for a learner to have the page marked as completed.

Step by Step displays

Step by Step displays let you create arbitrary tabbed steps on the left with rich content on the right. When a learner clicks on a particular step, that steps content is revealed.

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