Reporting is available at the campaign and program level.
Last updated
Reporting is available at the campaign and program level.
Last updated
You can export reporting data for any campaign or program. There are a few ways to do so.
There is a generate report button near the header of the page. Click on this button and then select which campaign you wish to generate a report for.
From the campaign grid page, you can click on the campaign action button and then click to view the campaign details. This will show you a summary of the programs and learners in the campaign as well as an export button for reporting.
On the campaign detail page you can also generate different reports.
To generate a report for the entire campaign data, click on the generate report button near the campaign header. This button will only be visible if the campaign is currently active.
For each program you can generate a report as well. Click on the program action button and then the export report button within that dropdown.
For any training that is active you can also export a report of the training data. Click on the action button in the training row followed by export report.
The reporting page in Affinity's platform also offers a number of other reporting options. Navigate to the reporting tab to build and schedule resuable reports for your campaigns.