Assign a Training
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To assign a training, navigate to the Trainings page and find a training of interest.
Your training catalogue will show you all trainings that your organization has access to. This includes:
Affinity suite of trainings
Private trainings
Already assigned trainings
Under the "Assigned" sub-tab you will find all trainings which you have assigned at least one instance of to your learners.
Under the "Available" sub-tab you will find trainings which your organization has access to and have not yet been assigned. We separate the trainings like this so it is easy for you to find new and useful trainings to add to your learners education.
You can click on any training you are interested in assigning, and then click "Create New Assignment" to create a new assignment for your organization for this training and to begin adding learners to it.
For any given training, you will have a training details page, which will list all instances of this training which have ever been assigned. As your usage of Affinity grows, you will find that you assign courses like AML/BSA yearly or quarterly. In this example, all of these instances are available on the training details page. You can click on any one of the instances, to take you to a separate page to just manage that individual instance.
Once you have created at least one instance of an assignment for a particular training, you can continue to add more instances or modify those which are already live.
A training instance is an assignment of a particular training to a set of learners with certain due date and requirement parameters.
You can have many instances for any particular training. A common use case of this might be re-assigning AML/BSA training annually to all of your learners.
You may already have assigned trainings to your organization, but it was a point-in-time assignment and not all of the current learners of your organization have this training assigned.
To assign it to everyone, choose the training from the Assigned Trainings tab and then click the 'Assign' button and confirm.
You can modify the due date for an instance of a training by using the Due Date selector in the top right of any training instances UI. Changing the due date will change the default for all learners.
The final due date for a learner will be their specific due date if you have set a learner specific override or the global due date for the instance. Learner overrides take precedence.
You can nudge all learners of this particular instance who have not completed the training by clicking on the nudge button in the top right of the training instance UI.
Click on the settings cog icon in the top right to open up the advanced settings pane.
In the advanced settings pane, you can:
Toggle the default requirement for this particular instance.
Add supporting documents that are available to a learner when they take this training.
Delete the training.
Note: Deleting a training will remove all progress data.
You can add as many learners as you want to a training instance. To begin adding learners, click on the "No People" icon to see a list of learners which have not set been assigned. You can begin selecting learners or decide to assign to everyone in your organization.
You can also assign by groups of: department, title, and state/region.
Click on the Advanced Group Filters to begin this and then use the dropdowns to filter the specific learner groupings you'd like.
When you are ready, click "Assign All Filtered" to assign all those who are shown by the filters. You do not need to check each box individually when you use this button.
To remove learners from an individual training, you can click on the settings cog to the left of their name in the assignment instance view. This will open a modal where you can toggle various settings, which includes removing them from this training.
Removing a learner from a training will also remove all progress data.
For more details on individual learner management for a training, see: Trainings