Trainings can have many different types of media, including: video, audio, images, and raw files.
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Trainings can have many different types of media, including: video, audio, images, and raw files.
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You can add many types of media to your training. This can be video, audio, images, and raw files.
Drag a video file into the app or use the builder to add a new video element to upload a video to your course. Once it is added, you can continue to configure it.
You can toggle if a video must be watched in full in order for the page tracking to mark a learners page as complete.
You can toggle if a video can be skipped ahead or not. If skipping is disabled, the learner must watch the video in order from start to finish.
This setting combined with the full watch can allow you to make it very restrictive for learners who might be tempted to skip videos.
Videos can have a caption text added to the bottom.
You can add accessibility alt text to any video by clicking on the "Alt" button in the bottom right.
Videos can be resized by using the drag handles on the left and right of the video pane.
You can add images to your course by using the images builder. They are very similar to videos in that you can:
set alt text
set caption text
Audio files can also be added to courses.
Like videos, you can toggle some experience settings.
Does the learner have to listen to the entire audio.
Can the learner skip from spot to spot in the audio.
This will play the auto immediately as an overlay on the current page. It is useful if you want some audio text to accompany images or other content.
You can also add arbitrary files to your course. These are good to share reference materials or use for attestation purposes.