Rules Engine Management

The Rules Engine is a way of automating workflows for your training administration.

Rules have the following three primary components:

  • Targets

  • Triggers

  • Actions


Targets are the entities which should react to the specific trigger. It is what company, group, training, etc you are targeting with this rule.

For example, you might target "All" companies combined with targeting "Privacy Training" with a specific rule. This means this rule would apply to all companies and just for the Privacy Training module.

As an external admin, your rules can target "All" your portfolio companies or a subset of them.

Your targets can also include specific tags.


Triggers decide when this rule would take effect. There are three types of triggers:

  • Every new employee

  • Every new organization

  • Every new training

Every new employee

This trigger is enacted when you add a new employee to your organization.

Every new organization

This trigger is enacted when you add a new organization to your portfolio.

Every new training

This trigger is enacted when you add a new training to your library.


Actions are the result of what happens based on the targets and triggers. It will apply the action to all of the applicable targets based on the trigger.

For example, if you had a rule with a trigger of "Every new employee" and a target of "Privacy Training" with an action of "Assignment as required in 30 days", this would automate adding Privacy Training to all of your new learners each time you onboarded them and always make it due 30 days from their start date.

There are three types of actions:

  • Assignment

  • Nudge Schedule

  • Due Date Enforcement


This action will assign the training module to the target/trigger pairing with the specified relative due date and optionality.

Nudge Schedule

This action will create a set of scheduled nudges relative to the due date if a learner has not yet completed the training by that nudge date.

Due Date Enforcement

This action dictates what type of overrides your portfolio organizations can perform.

Last updated